Vortrag · Bamberg

03.07.2024 · 14:00
LIfBi Lectures: "Changing information landscapes: from critical online reasoning to simulation-based learning in VR"


Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler from Goethe University Frankfurt is going to give a lecture as part of the LIfBi Lecture series.

The talk locates the evolving methods for processing natural language texts within the framework of the semiotic triangle and emphasizes the need to integrate the corresponding diversity of methods into the social sciences by means of a suitable architecture. It then discusses three areas of application, characterized by an increasing degree of dynamics (from written to oral communication) and virtualization (regarding the immersion of discourse situations).

In this way, the talk navigates the information landscape of language-related social science approaches through three progressive examples, advocating for a shift from individual information processing to participatory, dialogic, and multimodal communication dynamics.

For up-to-date information please visit www.lifbi.de/lifbilectures.



Room 01.04
Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories
Wilhelmsplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
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