Around 4,500 PhD students are supervised at Leibniz Association Institutes in collaboration with partner universities. 2,600 of them are directly affiliated with a Leibniz Institute and most have public service employment contracts. It is possible to complete a PhD in any of the disciplines covered by the Leibniz Institutes. A PhD at a Leibniz Institute opens up a wide range of career paths.

All Leibniz Institutes offer the opportunity to complete a PhD as a regular Institute employee. These positions are advertised on the Leibniz jobs portal or on the jobs portals of the Institutes in question.

Leibniz Graduate Schools

Leibniz Graduate Schools are run in collaboration with local universities. Young researchers are given the opportunity to do their doctorates in an excellent, collaborative, cross-disciplinary research environment.


Leibniz ScienceCampi

The Leibniz ScienceCampi offer a collaborative environment, bringing together Leibniz Institutes, other non-university partners, universities and industry partners to conduct research on topics that represent key challenges for social change. They work across all disciplines, which makes them hubs of innovative research culture.


Leibniz Dissertation Award

With its annual Dissertation Award, the Leibniz Association recognises an outstanding doctoral thesis from a Leibniz institution. The award is granted in the Humanities and Social Sciences as well as in the Natural Sciences and Technological Sciences.


Leibniz PhD Network

The Leibniz PdD Network promotes exchange among doctoral researchers within the Leibniz Association.