On these pages you will find a selection of research news from the Leibniz Institutes.
  1. Woman on a staircase

    Woman and top positions
    02/23/2023 · ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research

    Women face clearly identifiable and direct obstacles which prevent equal representation. A study shows two reasons.​

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  2. Green appearing lake in summer

    Blooms also like it cold
    02/22/2023 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    Cyanobacterial blooms can also occur at colder temperatures - even under ice. If the algal blooms go unnoticed, there are risks to drinking water production.

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  3. Laptop on a garden's table

    City escape
    02/17/2023 · ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich

    Working from home has motivated many people in Germany to relocate, especially former city dwellers.

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  4. Sulphur mollies swim in shoals

    Schools of fish resemble brains
    02/10/2023 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    The best brain performance lies at the border between order and chaos. Researchers have now been able to demonstrate this hypothesis on a large school of fish.

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  5. Sideritis plant with bee

    Nature’s future pharmacy in peril
    02/08/2023 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research - Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research

    Medicinal plants could secure the medical supply of humankind – and to this end, they must be comprehensively studied and protected.

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  6. Lake surface

    Self-purification capacity of lakes
    02/06/2023 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    Microorganisms help to keep the water of lakes clean. Researchers have now shown that this detoxification of ammonium is only sustained by an extremely small number of specific archaebacteria species.

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  7. Paved road by a lake

    Not only an urban phenomenon
    01/31/2023 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    Soil sealing in rural areas is an underestimated factor in water quality degradation, a new study shows.

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  8. Chilli plant

    Spicy Plants
    01/30/2023 · Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry

    How do plants make those pungent substances, anyway? A group of scientists have pinpointed the crucial enzymes that gives the fruits of the pepper and the chili plant the distinctive taste.

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  9. Hummingbirds energy-consuming hovering flight

    Extraordinary flight artists
    01/13/2023 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research - Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research

    The hummingbird’s hovering flight likely evolved because of a lost gene. 

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  10. Tablets

    Poisoning of the liver
    01/10/2023 · Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors

    What mechanisms are at work in paracetamol poisoning of the liver? Researcher are therefore investigating in a new project. 

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  11. Soy field

    An opportunity in climate change
    01/06/2023 · Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research

    Climate change requires a rethink of crop production. Expanding soybean cultivation in previously cooler regions of Europe expands the possibilities for farmers. 

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  12. Boulders on the surface of Mars

    Microorganisms on Mars
    01/04/2023 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    What would microorganisms on Mars need to survive? Very dry deserts serve as a reference for science. 

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  13. Stingray

    Natural products against flu viruses
    12/15/2022 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research

    Worldwide, the annual influenza epidemics lead to an estimated three to five million severe cases of illness. Active substances from nature could help inhibit the spread of flu viruses. 

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  14. New lasers light up the sky above Kühlungsborn

    Mini laser developed
    12/06/2022 · Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Rostock

    A new device is able to measure wind and temperature in a compact size. 

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  15. Cheetahs marking a tree

    Hotspots for communication
    12/06/2022 · Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research

    Marking trees are important hotspots of communication - not only for cheetahs. Many mammalian species use scent marks, urine or scats to communicate with each other.

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  16. [Translate to english:]

    Policies and the health
    11/29/2022 · Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology

    Non-communicable diseases are by far the leading cause of disability and death in Europe. The Network PEN aims to identify public policies most likely to sustain healthy lifestyles. 

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  17. New sub-variant, new resistance
    11/23/2022 · German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research

    To protect high-risk patients, biotechnologically produced antibodies are administered as a preventive measure upon confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, the new Omicron sub-variant BQ.1.1 is resistant to them. 

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  18. Medical face masks

    Assistance according to interest
    11/16/2022 · Kiel Institute for the World Economy

    China has been exporting aid goods worth around 835 million USD annually since 2017. The resources are distributed by China primarily according to geopolitical interests and increasingly to Asia and Africa.

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  19. Lecture hall

    Studying and gender-based violence
    11/08/2022 · GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften

    Since starting at their institution, nearly two in three staff and students in Europe have experienced at least one form of gender-based violence.

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  20. Autumn leaves

    Energy and leaves from the city
    11/04/2022 · Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy

    In a comparative study, scientists analyzed the composting of leaves and their utilization for biogas production.

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