On these pages you will find a selection of research news from the Leibniz Institutes.
  1. Barley ears

    New resistances
    11/04/2022 · Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research

    Viruses are serious pathogens of crops. A research team has now succeeded in modifying a gene in barley using the Cas9 gene scissors, making new resistances to important viruses available.​

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  2. Two primary school pupils scribble in a school book

    Learning gaps threat prosperity
    10/31/2022 · ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich

    The academic results achieved by elementary school children in Germany are alarming. The current decline is unprecedented and threat the prosperity.

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  3. Ahana Aurora Fernandez at work in the field.

    Innovative bat research
    10/31/2022 · Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science

    Biologist Ahana Aurora Fernandez is the recipient of this year’s Marthe Vogt Award. In her doctoral thesis she investigated the development of the vocal repertoire of greater sac-winged bat pups.

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  4. Two children with smartphone

    Growing parental concerns
    10/31/2022 · Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)

    77 percent of parents in Germany are concerned about the online safety of their children. This is shown by the study "Youth Media Protection Index 2022", which has now been published.

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  5. Microscopic image of the fruiting bodies of D. discoideum on an agar plate

    Control of multicellularity
    10/24/2022 · Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll Institute

    The multicellular stage of the amoeba Dicyostelium discoideum is partially regulated by an intensely yellow natural product. The newly identified substance prevents the amoebae spores from hatching too early.

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  6. 3D visualisation of the river network in a valley on Lake Como

    An ultrafine network for rivers
    10/20/2022 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    Researchers have developed the highest-resolution map of the world’s river systems ever produced. The data set comprises a total of 726 million potential river sections.

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  7. Birth control pill

    Unnecessary risk
    10/20/2022 · Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology

    Many new preparations of the birth control pill have higher risk of thrombosis - but are prescribed frequently.

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  8. Wild Herb Meadow in the Armenian Highlands

    The thread to the needle
    10/17/2022 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research - Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research

    A detailed analysis of DNA from cave sediments offers insights into the use of plants by humans in the Paleolithic Age.

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  9.  Elderly man holds toddler in the air

    Fitness program for blood stem cells
    10/12/2022 · Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute

    With increasing age, the functioning of the immune system diminishes. Researchers have now discovered how the co-activator of the TAZ protein can protect hematopoietic stem cells from aging.

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  10. Glas with espresso

    Extension to ten years
    10/11/2022 · German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke

    Scientists have extended the prediction period of the German Diabetes Risk Score to ten years. This means that people at increased risk can be educated at an early stage.

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  11. Small swarm

    Anticipating swarm
    10/10/2022 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    Findings show that fish are able to anticipate the behavior of social partners. This is another explanation for why fish in a school are capable of extremely fast collective movements.

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  12. Teaching the theory of evolution
    10/10/2022 · ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich

    A study shows that science-skeptical curricula in the United States have long-term consequences both for attitudes toward science and for life choices. 

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  13. [Translate to english:] Frau gestikuliert

    Ancient connection
    10/04/2022 · Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics

    When humans gesture, they activate an ancient connection between movement and breathing. The perspective suggests that there are striking connections between animal and human behavior.

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  14. Königsstraße Stuttgart at night

    Less consumption downtown
    09/26/2022 · ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich

    Even after almost all coronavirus measures have expired, people are not returning to their pre-crisis shopping habits. The consumption has shifted from city centers to city outskirts.

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  15. Peatland

    Restore peatlands
    09/19/2022 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    Intact peatlands are habitats for many rare animals and plants and important sinks for greenhouse gases. Many peatlands should therefore be restored - a study discusses different strategies for this.

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  16. Woman working on the laptop at the kitchen table

    Working from home around the world
    09/16/2022 · ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich

    Covid-19 has had a lasting effect on working conditions. Germans currently work at home 1.4 days per week.

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  17. The Oder in the evening light

    Lessons learned?
    09/14/2022 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    The man-made environmental disaster has caused severe damage to the Oder ecosystem. Scientists have summarised what needs to be done to ensure the recovery and sustainable use of the river.

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  18. Drifting ice glaciers

    Crossing tipping points
    09/13/2022 · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    At the current rate of global warming, the world is already at risk of crossing five dangerous climate tipping points -  and the risks increase with every tenth of a degree of further warming.

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  19. Bonobo siblings in a research station

    Stress in the kids room
    09/12/2022 · German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research

    The birth of a younger sibling activates long-lasting stress reactions in young bonobos​.

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  20. [Translate to english:] Donau-Aue

    Improved water quality
    09/06/2022 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    Riverine floodplains are among the most species-rich ecosystems on earth. Research results show how useful the large-scale renaturation is for improving water quality. 

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