On these pages you will find a selection of research news from the Leibniz Institutes.
  1. Babbling juvenile of the large bag-winged bat Saccopteryx bilineata

    Baby bats babble like human infants
    09/01/2021 · Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science

    "Mamama", "dadada": Typical child development involves babbling. A new study shows that the babbling behaviour of bat pups is characterized by similar key features as human infant babbling.

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  2. Close-up of the European noble crayfish

    When economy triumphs over conservation
    08/30/2021 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research

    For the past 150 years, the European crayfish has been devastated by the crayfish plague. For economically compensation, signal crayfish have been deliberately released into European rivers - a colossal mistake.

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  3. Leibniz Strategy Forum “Technological Sovereignty” started its work
    08/26/2021 · Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ)

    Leibniz Institutes join expertise to strengthen national and European technology sovereignty.

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  4. Container terminal at the port of Singapore

    Global instead of national
    08/10/2021 · ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

    Despite the Corona pandemic, German companies continue to rely on global supply chains. Large companies are relying on a wider pool of suppliers, smaller enterprises are planning to increase their warehousing.

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  5. Night view of the observatory in Melpitz/Saxony, which belongs to ACTRIS

    Understanding Climate Change
    08/06/2021 · Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research

    Germany is getting a new infrastructure for research on particulate matter, clouds, and trace gases. ACTRIS will enable better forecasts for air quality, weather, and climate in the future.

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  6. Rat on a tree trunk

    Expensive Invasion
    07/29/2021 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research

    Non-native species have incurred costs of more than 116 billion Euros in Europe between 1960 and 2020. Rats alone has caused around 5.5 billion euros.

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  7. The planetary nebula NGC 7294 ("Helix Nebula"), an object from the near vicinity of the Sun

    Needle in a haystack
    07/26/2021 · Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam

    Planetary nebulae are known in the neighbourhood of the sun as colourful objects. Researchers succeeded now in detecting them in distant galaxies.

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  8. Hand holding wheat plant in a wheat field

    With great power comes great responsibility
    07/21/2021 · Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Transformationsökonomien

    The US has lost its leadership role on the global wheat market to the EU and the Black Sea Region, which must now take greater responsibility for ensuring global food security and fighting hunger.

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  9. Field with young cereal plants

    Using science to combat climate change
    07/20/2021 · Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research

    Agriculture and food systems are affected by the impacts of climate. The MACSUR project creates a forum that will support policy actors with scientific expertise to implement climate targets.

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  10. German ballot paper, the column "Tick here" is not filled in

    Financial hardship and voter turnout
    07/19/2021 · WZB Berlin Social Science Center

    Short-term financial difficulties prevent poor people in Germany from voting and participating in politics - such are the findings of a new study.

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  11. Marketplace of Werder near Berlin

    Covid-19 is driving people out of Germany's big cities
    07/19/2021 · ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

    The coronavirus pandemic could give a strong boost to the existing trend of migration from city centers. Smaller cities are the most frequently mentioned destinations for relocations.

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  12. Illustration with four powerful-looking elephants at a waterhole in the jungle, with zebras, a rhinoceros and apes in the foreground.

    The rise and fall of elephants
    07/07/2021 · Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science

    The history of the proboscideans is one of glory and decline. A new study reveals how earth-historical events were mainly responsible for the evolution of more than 180 species.

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  13. TRiC knows the trick
    07/06/2021 · Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute

    Planarians are able to survive long periods of starvation by maintaining their stem cell pool and regenerative capacity.

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  14. Gender-neutral language in German Companies
    07/06/2021 · ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research

    35 percent of companies in Germany use gender-neutral language for external communication, while only 25 percent adopt it for in-house purposes.

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  15. Three common marmosets at the DPZ, sitting on a tree trunk​.

    Monkeys also learn to communicate
    07/05/2021 · German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research

    A Behavioral study on common marmosets provides new insights into the evolution of language.

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  16. Close-up of a mushroom growing on the ground.

    Endangered life belowground
    06/24/2021 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research

    Current conservation practices in farmlands may be good for species living above the earth such as birds and bees, but are probably not helping life belowground.

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  17. A man is sitting alone in a room at a table, his face in his hand.

    Social isolation increases the likelihood of selfish behaviour
    06/24/2021 · Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association

    Social distancing as a counter-measure to the COVID-19 pandemic has far-reaching social consequences which have so far hardly been discussed from an economic perspective.

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  18. There's no cheating old age
    06/22/2021 · German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research

    The average life expectancy of people has increased over the last 150 years. Studies with humans and non-human primates indicates that it is not the rate at which humans age that slows down.

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  19. Water bodies with massive algae growth

    Asteroid caused brief bloom of algae
    06/21/2021 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research

    The asteroid that likely caused dinosaur extinction 66 million years ago also caused a global algal bloom and a mass extinction in marine ecosystems.

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  20. Animated map showing all rivers in Europe

    Dry Rivers
    06/17/2021 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research

    60 percent of the world's streams dry up for at least one day a year - across all continents and climate zones. This can lead to impaired access to water for millions of people.

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